If you’re planning to visit Sutter’s Fort State Historic Park in the coming weeks, you’ll notice some changes. A long-awaited roof replacement project will begin soon. During the project, the roof on the exterior buildings of Sutter’s Fort SHP will be completely replaced. In addition, seismic work will be completed.

Securing the new roof and stabilizing the historic structure makes it possible to invest in new exhibits, artwork and interpretive panels without fear of damage due to intruding water, pests and debris from a failing roof.

A wet wood floor inside an adobe brick room

Preparing for the project

In preparation for this project, California State Parks has already begun the tedious process of removing and protecting artifacts, exhibits and displays. That means that visitors will see some artifacts and exhibits have been moved or boxed, covered with plastic or otherwise protected in advance of the roof removal.

adobe brick walls, wood plank ceiling with boxes stacked up against wall.


Friends of Sutter’s Fort has advocated for funding for this project for nearly a decade. The current roof was last replaced in 1980 and is well beyond its lifespan. Visitors are all too familiar with the large tarps that have been placed on sections of the roof as an attempt to prevent additional damage and the grass, weeds and other plants that grow onto and into the wood shake roof.

visitors peek into open rooms at Sutter's Fort. The roof is covered with tarps, exposed areas have thick grass growing from them

State Park Staff Member talks in front of a room at Sutter's Fort. The roof is covered with tarps and green moss is growing around the shingles.

We will continue to share photos and information about the progress of this important project throughout the summer.

Learn More

Cap Radio: Holes in Sutter Fort’s Roof Provide Glimpse of History

At Last a New Roof Approved for Sutter’s Fort

Sacramento Bee: Sutter’s  Fort needs roof renovations