Schools can sign up now for California State Parks’ Environmental Living Program (ELP) & Environmental Studies Program (ESP) at Sutter’s Fort SHP. These interactive programs runs from January to June 2024.   In each program students spend the day participating in hands-on activities like candle dipping, rope making, weaving, and outdoor bread baking.

The ELP option also allows students to spend the night at Sutter’s Fort SHP!

Schools can enroll multiple classrooms for the same ELP/ESP day to help make it an affordable, fun-filled learning experience. Teachers are encouraged to sign up soon to secure their spot! Both programs are managed by California State Parks. For more information and to sign up, please contact Jared Jones at

Friends of Sutter’s Fort is proud to support the educational programs at Sutter’s Fort SHP. Our school grant program will open later this month- watch your email inbox for announcements. You can help support our school grant program by making a tax-deductible donation